If you believe like us that salesmanship sells cars and that cars don't sell themselves...
...you're going to LOVE YouTube ads!!!

Here at Turbo Marketing, we've been saying for more than a decade now that salesmanship sells cars, cars don't sell themselves. 20 years ago, people had to visit a dealership to get information on a particular vehicle; which forced them to encounter salesmanship, and increased your chances of selling a car.
Today prospects can use technology and the Internet to get all the information they need without ever setting foot in a dealership, hence avoiding coming face to face with salesmanship.
Most dealerships countered this trend by building a Website and bringing their inventory online. Now they have their dealership online but still didn't find a way to bring salesmanship online where people are educating themselves and shopping for their next vehicle.
...and here comes YouTube! The ultimate platform to bring the salesmanship people would encounter at your store online!
Most dealerships countered this trend by building a Website and bringing their inventory online. Now they have their dealership online but still didn't find a way to bring salesmanship online where people are educating themselves and shopping for their next vehicle.

See here: 174,927 minutes of salesmanship over 4 weeks, that's 2,915 hours!!! Probably more hours than what all your salespeople did when put together last month!!!

If done right, potential prospects will be watching your videos all the time, like in this example where our dealer had 260 views between 11 am and 12 pm on a Sunday when he was closed!
Try to get your salespeople to do that during their Sunday brunch!