Learn how to build a machine that will predictably and consistently turn total strangers into paying customers and raving fans PART 3
In this third and final post of the series, I want to review with you the third mental shift required to help you build a simple system that will allow you to predictably and consistently turn total strangers into paying customers, like clockworks, 24/7, every week, and every month throughout the year; so you can gradually sell as many more cars as you want, without limits.
If you haven’t yet read part 1 or part 2, I highly recommend you do it now, so you have all the foundational elements in the right chronological order.
Let’s dive in…
The Third Mental Shift – Systems Thinking
The third mental shift required to help you build your customer acquisition system is to shift your mindset from one that is chasing bigger and better components, for a mindset where you become obsessed with the overall system.
To help you make that shift, let me introduce you to what’s called the systems theory.
Think for a moment about some of the systems around or in you:
The solar system
The respiratory system
Political systems
The digestive system
Mathematical systems
The muscular system
Accounting systems
The nervous system
Computer systems
The reproductive system
The cardiovascular system
I think you get the picture.
Each of these systems works predictably and consistently towards a precise goal, using a minimum of efforts or resources.
The solar system, for example, is so precise and predictable that you can launch a rocket from the earth towards another planet and precisely predict where it will land in a few months or even years.
Every day you breathe, move, turn food into energy, and pump blood throughout your body to feed it without very little cognitive thinking.
Systems work, and once set in motion, there are hard to stop.
Just try holding your breath for a few minutes, and you’ll see how powerful your respiratory system is. It will even knock you unconscious if it has to so it can keep working!

Learning To Look At The Overall Effects Of Your Small Changes
Now imagine if you could build a customer acquisition system that would work in the same way. A system that would predictably, and consistently help you turn total strangers around your dealership into paying customers, and raving fans with minimal efforts.
A system that would continue to run and produce results even when outside factors inevitably influence the whole or its components.
This is the mental shift you need to make when you think of your customer acquisition efforts.
Let me give you an example…
Let’s say you were running Facebook ads, and you changed your targeting and were able to double the number of leads from what you were getting. Is that a good thing?
Well, looking at this single step in the customer acquisition funnel, it looks like a win. But if the change in targeting started to generate leads from the wrong prospects, people who don’t have the means or the credit to buy a vehicle from you or your dealership, for example, all you’re doing is spending more money to attract prospects who will clog your sales pipeline.
These additional “wrong” leads will suck out time and resources from your BDC and your salespeople, leaving you with less budget to reach the right prospects and less time to convert real deals.
That’s why you must shift from thinking of your customer acquisition efforts as individual components and start thinking about it as a whole.
Time For A Quick Reality Check
Let me ask you:
Have you identified who is your ideal customer and defined the perfect Buyer Personas for your dealership, so you know precisely who to target when you create ads, so you pay to attract only the right customers?
Could you tell me today what is your cost per lead, cost per appointment, cost per deal and the lifetime value of each customer, for each traffic sources or tactics you are running?
Do you have a process to identify (tag and score) leads from different traffic sources so you can provide them with a unique and different follow-up experience?
Do you have a lead nurturing system to farm and recycle leads from prospects who are not ready to buy so that you can sell them a vehicle in a few months when they are ready, or they meet certain conditions?
Don’t feel bad if you don’t have the answers to these few poking questions. Most dealers and automotive sales professional I speak to are in the same position. They are so involved in the everyday work required to sell some cars that they fail to visualise how all the individual components of the client attraction, sales process and lead nurturing experience work together as a homogenous system.
And honestly, unless you have a roadmap or a blueprint to guide you, it’s easy to get stuck optimising individual components at the detriment of working on unifying the machine as a whole.
This is why you must make this third and final mental shift and develop a system’s thinking mindset obsessed with the throughput of your customer acquisition pipeline.
Can you see how shifting your focus from perfecting individual components to optimising the system as a whole can help you sell more cars, to more customers, more efficiently?

Call To Action
I decided to create a program where you now have the ability to work with my team and me to build your own customer acquisition machine; one that will predictably and consistently turn total strangers into paying customers and raving fans.
Imagine having not only the blueprint for building your machine, but access to in-depth knowledge about every stages, access to the same technology I use, access to the same copywriters to write your scripts, access to the same video editors to produce your content, and access to the same toolbox of tactics to experiment within your system.
Imagine having access to like-minded individuals from the car business, who are also building and tweaking their own customer acquisition machine. Imagine being able to ask them questions, and compare your metrics with theirs so you can see if and where there is room for improvements.
No more guessing, no more trying to figure it out, but only black and white answers for every question you might have while putting your customer acquisition machine and tweaking it to perfection.
If you would like to have a conversation with me to see if this program might be something you would like to explore and if you would be a good fit for the program, I invite you to schedule a strategy call using this link:
Sean Cassy is the Digital Marketing Specialist and Co-Owner of Turbo Marketing Solutions. You can contact him by email here or reach him by phone every weekday at Turbo Marketing’s head office