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Selling More Vehicles Using A Fully Transparent Car Buying Experience Initiated During The Marketing

Sean Cassy

I’m quite excited about the content of this blog because I finally found an easy way to help you create the absolute best trade-appraisal experience possible for the leads we generate during one of our digital conquest campaigns.

As you already know, we’ve been screaming from the rooftops for a while now the importance of focusing on the trade when marketing to conquest customers, and if you haven’t seen our latest blog on the subject, I recommend you read it now by clicking here. We reveal the ugly truth about automotive conquest marketing, and you might be quite surprised.

In a nutshell, the trade-in is the most valuable point of conversation and the item associated with the highest level of importance in the mind of the prospect who is not considering the make and models you sell. Bottom line: If you want to sell more vehicles, your sales team will need to talk to more people. And if you want to talk to more people, you will need to enter the conversation that’s already going on in the mind of your prospects, instead of trying to impose the conversation you want to have.

In that train of thought, every campaign we created these past few years focused

heavily on communicating your ability to pay aggressively for trades before talking about your incentives. As you know if you have taken my free Automotive Conquest Masterclass, it’s the ONE THING that could help you increase your sales by 30% this month.


We also went above and beyond over the years to provide you with the training, best practices, and the follow-up scripts your BDC and your sales team need to match as best as possible, during the appointment stage, the expectations and excitement that the marketing created. As you probably heard me say: “There’s nothing worse than marketing that cries wolf.” You know, the type of marketing you can’t experience once you connect with the dealership?

But until today, that was the extent of the resources we could provide or point you towards to help your dealership create that seamless, transparent, fun, trade-appraisal experience we are promising during the marketing phase. Many dealers we worked with were frustrated by their team's inability to provide to conquest vehicle shoppers, a different in-dealership experience; something that would match the expectations created by the marketing, something different than the cookie cutter approach sales teams are accustomed to with existing customers.

But that might be a thing of the past. Last week, when I sent out our latest video regarding the ugly truth about automotive conquest, we stumbled on a company offering a powerful solution that provides dealers the tools to offer an open, customer-friendly process to help people get the best price possible for their current vehicle.

My goal in today’s blog is not to provide you with an in-depth analysis of their solutions and their competitors; each company will be able to do that much better than I could ever do if you reach out to their specialists. But I did want to tell you that we were so impressed by their dynamic appraisal tools, training, and processes, that we decided to create a campaign that would specifically feature the Online Live Auto Auction solution most of these companies offer.

Prospects will be able to experience a fully transparent trade-appraisal experience that will start during the marketing phase while viewing the Facebook and YouTube ads, and dealers will be able to easily follow through diligently at every step of the deal using the technology. Our marketing will raise excitement, expectations and generate leads; and your dealership will be equipped to deliver on the promises and make more deals.

The strategy is simple: Win More Trades, Sell More Vehicles!


You might be currently using a Live Auto Auction technology, but I guarantee it’s still not paired with a digital conquest campaign like the one we’ve cooked up for you here at Turbo. What’s the point of having a cool technology if you’re not busy cranking trade-appraisals all day with fresh leads generated by marketing that communicates the opportunity your dealership provides to vehicle shoppers?

Curious? Click the link underneath this video to watch the automotive digital conquest campaign we have created to help you achieve your best month of conquest sales ever.

Our goal here at Turbo is simple: help you generate a ton of leads and a ton of appointments at the dealership so your team can sell a bunch of cars. We think that leveraging the Live Auto Auction technology could help you squeeze a few more deals out of our efforts by providing interested prospects a fun and transparent way to discover the true value of their current vehicle. This will be done by taking out much of the anxiety and frustrations inherent to the process.

Click the link, watch the campaign and call us at Turbo Marketing if you have any questions. And like I like to say: Let’s sell some cars!


Sean Cassy is the automotive digital marketing specialist at Turbo Marketing Solutions. You can contact him here by email or by phone at Turbo Marketing every week day from 7am to 6pm EST.

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