Before we start, stop what you are doing and go add your Facebook link to everything connected to your dealership; Website, business cards, flyers, brochures, etc. Do not let a single piece of paper, email, pdf file or other document go out of your dealership without your Facebook link on it. Done? Perfect. Now I can show you how to network using Facebook groups.
Networking in Facebook Groups Outside of Your Own
Ok, let’s face it, you want to network with others within your local community so you can grow the sales of your dealership. But did you know there are also plenty of other businesses who want to network with you?
Facebook makes it easy to find such local groups so you can connect with others to build a local community network. Some examples of popular local groups on Facebook are The Chamber of Commerce, schools, parks, sports associations, artists' guilds, municipalities and many more.
Now do not confuse "liking" a brand page with joining a group. A brand page is not interactive, but you will be able to interact with other members in a group.
As a member of a local group, you will be able to keep up with current events while having direct access to local members. This could allow you to participate in the early planning stages of a local event, like a concert for example, and offer to sponsor the event for the benefit of your dealership.
The one thing that you do not want to do is jump into a group and pepper them with sales pitches and promotions. In some cases, promoting within the group may even be prohibited. Make sure to read the group rules before you post. Once you are aware of the rules, make a quick post and introduce yourself and tell them why you are there. If it is to network, say so. Networking is one of the big purposes of many groups like the local Chamber of Commerce.
Within your introduction, be sure and offer yourself up as an expert in your dealership's make and the automotive space in general. Your introduction may even spark a conversation that will give you an opportunity to talk about your dealership and your vehicles. Tell them about how you are involved in the community and be sure to invite them to join your Facebook group.
A lot of members treat groups like the local coffee shop. They come in, chat for a few moments and then head off to work.
Networking in Your Own Facebook Group: Host Your Own Events

Within your Facebook group, you can create an event and invite all your members. Don’t worry, they will have the ability to reply, decline or dismiss your event. Facebook groups have been around for some time now, and people are used to being invited to events, so this is a normal part of being in a group.
A great way to get your group active is to facilitate a Facebook group meet and greet at the dealership. Those who attend could put faces to names, and that will have the desired effect of strengthening your group. Of course, it does not hurt to have them milling about the showroom either.
While most events revolve around entertainment or social settings, it is acceptable to invite your members to a sale. But to keep your community happy, use this last one with moderation.
Membership Networking Within Your Dealership’s Facebook Group:
Within your own group, you will have members who are there to network. Give them a hand by introducing them or asking them specific questions about their industry. You can even offer to refer them to other members.
A perfect scenario could look like this: A local insurance agent joins your dealership's group. You ask him a question about the legal requirements for some a specific auto insurance situation to get a conversation started. Others join in the conversation. He meets new prospects and now, they know him because of your introduction.
In return, the insurance agent could do the same type of introduction for you in another group where you both belong and where he’s well known.
Networking will always be the best way to gain customers and sell cars. Just because the places we gather have changed does not mean that networking is no longer useful. It means that you have to employ creativity and learn how to use the new platforms to your advantage so you can become a master at social networking.
If you need help with the automotive content marketing of your dealership, don’t hesitate to call one of the content marketing experts at Turbo Marketing Solutions every weekday at 1-800-262-0081. They will provide you with the expertise you need to dominate social media in your marketplace.