How do you capture your social media audiences' attention? By using a blog platform that educates, entertains and communicates your messages to your readers.
Here is why your dealership should blog:
. To share
. To establish your authority on your brand
. To develop Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
. To build relationships
. To give your dealership a voice
How blogging works:
. A blog post is written an d published to the web by your Content Manager.
. Your Social Media Manager shares it to your social media networks.
. The online search engines crawl your post and index it automatically upon publication.
. It is posted or added to your dealership website.
Your traffic sources are going to come from several directions when you follow the above "to-do-list". You will see traffic from your social media platforms like Facebook. Search engines will bring you organic traffic. Your website will bring your post traffic from clicked links.
Your posts can be used in your marketing efforts when you build targeted search engine ads around the topics.
What is in a Post?
Your posts should have at least one of the following elements to it.

. Useful
. Entertaining
. Timely
. Human
. Engaging
. Promotional
. Controversial
Blogging ideas are everywhere, and here are some simple ones to get you started.
List Post - It is easy to write, easy to read and easy to share. Take a topic and do a list of the top 10 things about it. Top 10 Reasons to Have Your Car Detailed. Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Fuel Mileage. Top 5 Ways to Protect Your Paint. Top three also works should you be running short on time.
How-To Post - These posts are often shared because you are giving people instructions that they can use. You are the expert in these conversations because you have the answers. How to Winterize Your Car. How to Change a Tire. The seasons make it easy to find ideas like protecting your paint from road salt or keeping bugs from destroying your paint.

Research Post - Set up a poll and do research with your readers' input. The easiest poll to set up is to ask them what they come to your website for, or why they are a part of your social media. Even asking them about what they do not like about your dealership will create results you can use.
Checklist - This is a favorite among readers because it is a quick read, and it is something they can actually print out and do. Your checklist might include topics like what paperwork is necessary to buy a car. You can include a checklist that has trade-in title, paystub for financing, insurance card, driver's license, checkbook and more.
FAQ Post - These posts are usually not interactive and are lists of answers to Frequently Asked Questions. Maybe people frequently ask what type of financing you offer. You can add to your FAQs that you offer financing through banks, manufacturers or leasing companies. You might mention secondary financing, and then link to a checklist post that tells them what to bring with them.
Definition Post - The auto industry is filled with unfamiliar trade lingo, so a definition post is a benefit to your readers. You can define acronyms like M.S.R.P., M.P.G. and terms that the average car buyer may not know. You could even use the definition post to explain technical terms like what a M.A.P. sensor is and how it works. Posts like these do not have to be long, and they can fill gaps between bigger posts. This keeps people coming back to your blog for more information.
These are just a few of the ideas that will help you get started on your blog. Once it is published, share it and discuss it with your social media audience.
If you need help with the automotive blogging opportunity of your dealership don’t hesitate to call the automotive marketing experts of Turbo Marketing Solutions. Just call every weekday from 7am to 6pm EST 1-800-262-0081
Melissa Cadieux is the Social Media Manager at Turbo Marketing Solutions and you can email her here or reach her at Turbo Marketing.