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How To Use Video Sales Funnels And Your Manufacturer’s Incentives To Sell More Cars, Trucks, SUVs an

Lucie Gauvreau

If you’re looking to sell more cars, trucks, SUVs and Crossovers to conquest vehicle shoppers this week, this quick blog is for you. I’m going to explain in the next 2 minutes how you could add extra 8 to 12 units to your month in the next few days without making any massive changes to your current sales processes.

Now if you’ve ever received an email from Sean Cassy with the links to one of his automotive digital campaigns, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself how his eccentric videos and weird microsites could help you increase the sales of your dealership? I know I did when I first started working with Turbo!

But when you let Sean help you look “behind the curtain,” the why becomes pretty obvious, and the how quite simple.

The 3 Secrets To Automotive Conquest

Sean’s recipe is based on his three secrets to automotive conquest. First, he targets non-intenders or people who are not in the market to buy a vehicle. His philosophy is that everybody would change their vehicle today, but most people don’t know they can. So instead of going after the same vehicle shoppers, every other dealer is after, he goes after the other 90% of the population.

That secret alone will double your leads and lower your add cost by 50% if executed properly.

Second, Sean likes to create pre-frame bridges to help people who didn’t think they could buy a vehicle get excited about your manufacturer’s incentives. These are the bizarre videos you usually see on the home page of his microsites; you know that first video you would get rid of and replace by the promotions and specials video? Well, that’s where you would make a mistake.

You would be right to lead with promotions if you target intenders; they already ARE in the market for a vehicle. But if you lead with incentives when luring a non-intender, they just won’t care. Remember that non-intenders don’t think they can purchase a vehicle because of their wrongful perception of Price, Payment, Cash, Credit and Trade-in Value. You need to provide them with a bridge and frame their mindset properly before talking about your specials.

Sean’s final secret, using a sale funnel instead of your main dealership Website so you can better control the conversation and avoid distractions. Sales funnels will allow you to clearly articulate the problem your prospect is experiencing, introduce your solutions, and provide clear instructions and a good hook to allow your dealership to capture leads that will turn into deals in an environment without any hindrances.

Sean will even create for your dealership a custom promotional video featuring your manufacturer’s incentives so you can get prospects excited about your models and get any co-op money you might be eligible for.

Driving Traffic To The Mouse-Trap

With such a powerful lead conversion tool in your hands, the only thing left to do is to drive traffic, generate leads and sell vehicles! Sean’s preferred methods are YouTube videos ads because you can target prospects for pennies, Facebook ads to lookalike audiences because they will cost you half the price, Adwords Custom Affinity Audiences to remarket to your competitor's Website traffic, and digital conquesting using a few programmatic ads providers.

You can also purchase conquest phone lists from numerous quality providers and use voicemail drops in combination with a good IVR and an automated SMS campaign to drive more traffic.

I would also probably consider sending at least one email or SMS invitation to your existing customers. There are two main reasons why you should. First, your existing customers might be surprised to see your promotions playing everywhere around town while they didn’t get any heads-up from your dealership about the opportunity. Second, if a conquest vehicle shopper who’ve seen the ads ask one of your existing customers about the promotion, they won’t have any information about the event which might take away some credibility from your efforts.

Let Artificial Intelligence Work For Your Dealership

You might be tempted to look at Sean’s campaigns and find them quite elementary, but although Sean’s “mouse-traps” look quite simple on the surface, there are a plethora of technologies that work for you in the background to help you zoom-in on the ideal prospects to increase the sales of your dealership

The most exciting of them might be the artificial intelligence that kick’s in every time a prospect completes the Webform and lands on the thank you page. Each time this action happens, you obviously get a lead, but powerful algorithms also start working for your dealership to find more people who look like your

ideal prospects.

If woman 35-39, looking at particular fashion Websites, around 8 pm seem to convert well for certain particular ads, the system looks for more women of that demographic, on similar Websites during these hours as potential clicks. This example is obviously an oversimplification of the power of the A.I. working for you in Sean’s mouse-traps since the algorithms will look at over 3,000 data points but I’m sure you get the point.

And now you know why his campaigns look the way they do and why he likes to affectionally call them his “mouse-traps.”


Lucie Gauvreau is the CEO of Turbo Marketing Solutions. You can contact her by email here or reach her by phone every weekday at Turbo Marketing’s head office.

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