Turn Your Dealership into a Publishing Company
Not too long ago, a dealership would pay thousands of dollars to have a 30-second ad on TV, a 30-second spot on the radio or a few square inches of space in the newspaper. But today, you have the ability to upload hours of video featuring your vehicles on YouTube. You can broadcast hours of audio explaining your incentives through podcasts. You can publish an unlimited amount of material in written form on blogs to help vehicle owners throughout their ownership experience and educate them regarding their next vehicle purchase, and disseminate all that content featuring your dealership on multiple social media sites for free!
Pardon my excitement, but THAT’S CRAZY!!! And what’s even crazier is the fact that very few dealers are taking advantage of the opportunity, leaving the door wide open to savvy operators.
Gary Vaynerchuk said on one of his DailyVee (and I paraphrase) that cell phones are the new TV and Instagram, Facebook YouTube and Snapchat are the new NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX. Some people are moving in quickly to be the next Seinfeld or celebrity. Who are you going to be and what is your dealership going to represent?
The field is wide open, but the players who are doing well are not seeing themselves as a dealership advertising on social media but as a publisher producing the best automotive content in town on all platforms.

Go Big or Go Home
With the lifetime expectancy of a post in a user’s newsfeed counted in hours on Facebook and minutes on Twitter, you have to discard any strategy that will require you to post a few times a week. Even posting every day, on most platforms, is far from enough to stay top of mind in your marketplace.
Your goal should not only be to have a presence but to dominate. For example, your Facebook page should be the automotive authority in your town and should be the go-to place for anyone owning a vehicle.
You could feature tips to help vehicle owners drive for less, tactics to help them better maintain their vehicles, funny automotive-related jokes to put a smile on their face, vehicle reviews, customer testimonials, traffic updates, road construction updates, and “live” events when your manufacturer announces their new incentives. It’s your “TV” channel!
Do that then spread your posts using your other channels inviting people back to your Facebook page and it won’t be long before people and Google see you as the automotive authority on Facebook in your town. And if you’re diligently backlinking all your content to your main Website it won’t be long before it also benefits from the increase in authority.
Now repeat the formula on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn respecting the nuances of each platform, and you have a good plan to start.